Monday 23 January 2017

My dreams


Day 1: • Dreamed of intense arguments/falling out with close friends, unsure of what it was we were arguing over but recall feelings of anxiety or troubled through dream
·        Dreaming to problem solve (tension between my friends and I in real life recently too)
·        The superego influence was influencing my dream. It wants the ideals and it wants to achieve goals. Since I am going through a rough patch with most of my friends at the moment, I am subconsciously trying to find a solution to that. When I am awake, I try to push the problem of my friends to the back of my mind as I am already flooded with other thoughts. Therefore, dreaming about intense arguments and falling out with my friends is my way of dealing with the situation without actually having to deal with it.  

Day 3: • Dreamed of random insignificant events/images of the day before, random order/ no cohesive sequence
·        Dreaming to keep the brain working
·        Dreaming to forget (clearing the brain of unnecessary connections)
·        The Id was influencing my dream. The Id is impulsive, childlike and unconscious. I have sleeping issues and to help me sleep, I try to recall my day. Therefore, my brain can have something other to do rather than having to conjure up negative thoughts. This must have been a very childlike and irrelevant dream as I have these dreams a lot. 

Day 4: • Dreamed of being alone and trapped in a large house/building, continuously searching for exits, feelings of dread, fear, etc.
·        Dreaming to heal (not a traumatic experience but perhaps coping with some subconscious concern about being alone)
·        Dreaming to rehearse (brain trying to acknowledge this fear of isolation)
·        The superego was influencing my dream. I do not like the idea that I am trapped. I am comfortable when I know that there is a way I can escape a certain situation or place easily. The superego was trying to find an exit in my dream as it was trying to achieve my goals and ideals.

Day 7: • Dreamed of a suicide attempt, falling off a bridge - feelings of hopelessness, isolation, fear, despair were common throughout this dream
·        Dreaming to heal
·        Dreaming to forget (brain trying to rid itself of negative thoughts and connections which have accumulated over time)
·        The superego was influencing my dream. I do not believe that we are living for a specific reason. I believe that we are all hurdling towards an inevitable oblivion and we are just trying to keep our planet thriving until it dies. I also believe that I am a tiny speck floating in this vast universe. I do not have a purpose here and I would not like to either. The superego might have been influencing my dream as it was trying to achieve my goals/ideals.

Day 12: • Dreamed of university of Ryerson logo, feeling elated, excitement, etc were trends during this dream
·        Dreaming to fulfill wishes
·        The superego was influencing my dream. I am in grade 11 and I am inevitably stressing about my future. I do not know what I would like to major in or what career path I would like to pursue. However, I do know that I do want to get into a university. Ryerson University is my ideal choice as it is located in the heart of Toronto and it offers some impeccable things. I have visited Ryerson with my best friend and we made plans about our future. My superego wants to achieve my fantasies and goals.

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