Monday 23 January 2017

Psychology tests


Personality tests:
In the 16Personalities test, my results said that I am “the meditator (INFP-T)”.A personality trait that surprised me about that was the “idealistic/optimism” trait. I am fairly pessimistic as I always set myself up for disappointments/failures. Therefore, when I read that I am “optimistic” and I “seek and value harmony”, I was in disbelief. Some personality traits I can agree with are that I am difficult to get to know and that I take things personally. I like to be mysterious and I like to have a lot of flair. I do not tell others much about me as I also have a feeling of protectiveness over me if not many people know details about my life. Also, since I have very low self-esteem, I believe that every snarky/depreciating comment is made towards me. I would start arguments for no other reason than feeling “personally attacked”. Another trait that is accurate is my love for literature and the written expression. “The meditators” are often poetic and misunderstood like me. Another thing that surprised me is the accuracy of the “friendships”. It is stated that INFPs distance themselves from friends so they can re-center on their emotions. I have done that many times. I always start to deteriorate and instead of letting other people seeing me crumble, I take a few days off from my responsibilities and patch myself up. This test was fairly accurate.

Based on the result from the SAPA project 5 personality report, most of the traits match accordingly with my personality. Traits such as extraversion, openness, conscientiousness and cognition align with my personality. However, the results from traits such as agreeableness, integrity, and emotional stability are somewhat shocking to me. I scored 5 out of 9 on agreeableness, meaning I am somewhat disagreeable than others as I have less concern with others’ needs than my own. I believe this is slightly untrue as I tend to agree with others on most matters and their needs and feelings are a concern to me. I am very compassionate when it comes to my family and friends therefore, instead of being intolerant of others’ shortcomings, I would be extremely tolerant. As for integrity, I scored 5 out of 9, which shows that I may occasionally break the rules, and I do not feel a strong need for power, status or luxury. More than often, I abide by the rules as I fear the consequences and I like to do the right thing. When it comes to status or power, I tend to seek these because it shows that I have control over my life and having those traits provide myself the ability to seek the things I want to do in my life. Finally, I was shocked with the emotional stability score, which was 4 out of 9. This shows that I am emotionally reactive as I respond to both negative and positive situational cues most often than other people. The results states that I may respond emotionally to events than other people as I may be more sensitive, emotional and prone to feelings that are upsetting such as anxiety and guilt. I believe this is completely untrue. When it comes to emotions, I tend to hide them rather than to be emotionally reactive. When compared to other people, I react a lot less to situations/events even if it is important to me. Overall, the results match with my personality, however, some one the traits results were a bit surprising to me.

Mental Health Assessment:

Before I started the mental health assessment, I was feeling fairly anxious and scared. I did not want to know my results and I did not want to share them either. However, I have to. I scored 100 on the major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. These results did not shock me at all. I know what kind of a person I am and I understand my flaws very well. I know that I try to live my life to the fullest. However, I cannot due to these overwhelming feelings of fear and anxiety always leeching on to me. I also already know that I am not a generally happy person. I do not believe that I am not fulfilling a purpose in this life as I am just a tiny speck in this vast universe that is inevitably doomed. I also scored a 90 on the panic attacks and 91 on the panic disorder. These results also do not surprise me. I do experience many panic attacks (at least a couple a week). Life is very hard for me to handle as it is fairly overwhelming and my brain and body cannot handle it. I always believe that I am falling into a deep, dark abyss and I can’t grasp anything but I also can’t let go. That means I’m stuck. Moreover, I scored 57 on the manic episodes and 53 on the PTSD. These results do not mean much to me and I intend to not make them into a big deal. I’m not sure what to conclude about this test as I know such tests are not always accurate.

Psychopath/Sociopath tests:

As I was taking the Levenson self-report psychopathy test, I was concerned about the results of the test. Although knowing beforehand that I may not be a psychopath, I still experienced anxiety while anticipating for the results. The test included many questions regarding the moral behavior, which were easy to answer. My score on primary psychopathy was 2.1 out of 5 and 2.6 out of 5 on secondary psychopathy. Primary psychopathy is lack of empathy for other people and tolerance for antisocial orientation. Secondary psychopathy is the antisocial aspects such as rule breaking and a lack of effort towards socially rewarded situations. Overall, the results were in accordance with my expectations; however, the scores could have been a little lower on both primary and secondary psychopathy.

For my sociopath (anti-personality disorder) test, I scored 58.3%. That means that I am unlikely to have the anti-personality disorder. As I was answering the questions for this test, I was scared. The questions seemed absurd to me. There were statements such as “I have committed acts that are ground for arrest” and “I am indifferent to the feelings of those who I hurt”. Although I did not agree with both statements, I started to think about the people who might have agreed with them. I cannot imagine myself breaking the law or pretending that a person has no emotions as they are both cruel and awful. I was also terrified as I somewhat believed that I may have the anti-personality disorder. I do tend to manipulate people at times. However, this result did not shock me. I think that my result was in accordance to my age group. I believe that my results are understandable.


My dreams


Day 1: • Dreamed of intense arguments/falling out with close friends, unsure of what it was we were arguing over but recall feelings of anxiety or troubled through dream
·        Dreaming to problem solve (tension between my friends and I in real life recently too)
·        The superego influence was influencing my dream. It wants the ideals and it wants to achieve goals. Since I am going through a rough patch with most of my friends at the moment, I am subconsciously trying to find a solution to that. When I am awake, I try to push the problem of my friends to the back of my mind as I am already flooded with other thoughts. Therefore, dreaming about intense arguments and falling out with my friends is my way of dealing with the situation without actually having to deal with it.  

Day 3: • Dreamed of random insignificant events/images of the day before, random order/ no cohesive sequence
·        Dreaming to keep the brain working
·        Dreaming to forget (clearing the brain of unnecessary connections)
·        The Id was influencing my dream. The Id is impulsive, childlike and unconscious. I have sleeping issues and to help me sleep, I try to recall my day. Therefore, my brain can have something other to do rather than having to conjure up negative thoughts. This must have been a very childlike and irrelevant dream as I have these dreams a lot. 

Day 4: • Dreamed of being alone and trapped in a large house/building, continuously searching for exits, feelings of dread, fear, etc.
·        Dreaming to heal (not a traumatic experience but perhaps coping with some subconscious concern about being alone)
·        Dreaming to rehearse (brain trying to acknowledge this fear of isolation)
·        The superego was influencing my dream. I do not like the idea that I am trapped. I am comfortable when I know that there is a way I can escape a certain situation or place easily. The superego was trying to find an exit in my dream as it was trying to achieve my goals and ideals.

Day 7: • Dreamed of a suicide attempt, falling off a bridge - feelings of hopelessness, isolation, fear, despair were common throughout this dream
·        Dreaming to heal
·        Dreaming to forget (brain trying to rid itself of negative thoughts and connections which have accumulated over time)
·        The superego was influencing my dream. I do not believe that we are living for a specific reason. I believe that we are all hurdling towards an inevitable oblivion and we are just trying to keep our planet thriving until it dies. I also believe that I am a tiny speck floating in this vast universe. I do not have a purpose here and I would not like to either. The superego might have been influencing my dream as it was trying to achieve my goals/ideals.

Day 12: • Dreamed of university of Ryerson logo, feeling elated, excitement, etc were trends during this dream
·        Dreaming to fulfill wishes
·        The superego was influencing my dream. I am in grade 11 and I am inevitably stressing about my future. I do not know what I would like to major in or what career path I would like to pursue. However, I do know that I do want to get into a university. Ryerson University is my ideal choice as it is located in the heart of Toronto and it offers some impeccable things. I have visited Ryerson with my best friend and we made plans about our future. My superego wants to achieve my fantasies and goals.